Complication – This large, world-wide hotel corporation had no master location for all spend, revenue and budget information for the interactive marketing group. Much of the data was created manually, housed in Excel or just estimated. Furthermore, actual spend tracking for some of their largest travel metasearch companies was non-existent. Approach – The client engaged Aspirent to assist with designing and creating a centralized repository in order to gain better insight around interactive marketing revenue and spend from a world-wide perspective. Aspirent:
- Functioned as the lead contact for the business while working with the client’s IT department to stand up a Teradata Datamart.
- Assisted in all steps of the project from creating a data model to the ETL testing.
- Opened new sources of spend tracking for metasearch, paid search, affiliate and direct media that were previously estimated or incomplete.
- The Datamart is now fully automated to receive files from third-party vendors and internal sources, feeding the data into analytical tables.
- The client now uses this mart to provide all interactive marketing data for analysis globally. Without it, the client would still be relying on Excel-based and estimated data feeds to track spend, revenue and budget, a method that had caused substantial data integrity and availability issues for the client.