
Complication – The client, a national leader in the business electronic asset protection industry, was involved in RFPs for several office equipment OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Because the client provides the most complete asset protection offerings, their pricing is higher than that of their major competitors. To justify this pricing and win contracts with its prospective clients, they needed to build a strong ROI case for using their equipment. Approach – Aspirent partnered with the client to study service history data for roughly 10,000 Multifunction Printers installed in six of their top OEM client’s major national accounts. Aspirent:

  1. Collected and merged machine listing data with nearly 200k service call records over an 8-year period, turning several sources of data into an analysis database which had been previously unavailable internally to our client.
  2. Derived new data fields to enable quick insights and ad-hoc analysis to be performed.
  3. Worked with the client to identify sources of noise in the data that were previously muddying the ability to perform robust A/B testing, and narrowed the scope of focus to a true apples-to-apples comparison of machine performance with and without our client’s power protection equipment.
  4. Analyzed regular and emergency service calls, as well as 9 subcategories of service calls, to determine the percent reduction in calls – and therefore overhead costs – associated with using our client’s technology to protect office equipment from power failures and other electrical issues.
    • Provided results over a 3-year period, with associated levels of confidence/margins of error, solidifying our client’s credibility in the RFP process and subsequent white papers.


  • Proved a 35% reduction in service callsusing our client’s equipment overall, with a 40% reduction in the higher-end equipment segments.
  • Proved a 46% reduction in Emergency service calls using our client’s equipment overall, with a 53% reduction in the higher-end equipment segments.
  • Identified the top 3 most impactful subcategories for call reduction, with a 68-80% reduction in calls in these subcategories.
  • Identified a 4.5% productivity increase (measured in pages-per-service-call) using our client’s equipment